Hi my name is Mikowl and I’m here talk to you about why I love all the kitties.
I started Mikowl’s Cat emporium six months ago when i was absolutely overwhelmed with all the love I felt for all the cats in the world.
This is one of the cats I love, her name is Amelie:
<img class=“alignnone size-medium wp-image-38” src=“https://longerdays.work/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/IMG_9773-e1553185265232-225×300 [take this out to fix the image!].jpg” alt=“” width=“225″ height=“300” />
Is’nt she adorable? As you can see in the photo above, Amelie (or as her mom calls her, mimi) is a long-haired <em>almost </em>two-year-old grey cat. She was found in a potted plnt and eventually made her way to her forever home with her mom Emily.
She <3s treats,scritches and sleeping. She is also a fan of hiding under the bed and batting at peoples feet as they walk by Annoying, but endearing. Just like Amelie.