why i love all the kitties

Hi my name is Mikowl and I’m here talk to you about why I love all the kitties.


I started Mikowl’s Cat emporium six months ago when i was absolutely overwhelmed with all the love I felt for all the cats in the world.


This is one of the cats I love, her name is Amelie:


<img class=“alignnone size-medium wp-image-38” src=“https://longerdays.work/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/IMG_9773-e1553185265232-225×300 [take this out to fix the image!].jpg” alt=“” width=“225″ height=“300” />


Is’nt she adorable? As you can see in the photo above, Amelie (or as her mom calls her, mimi) is a long-haired <em>almost </em>two-year-old grey cat. She was found in a potted plnt and eventually made her way to her forever home with her mom Emily.


She &lt;3s treats,scritches and sleeping. She is also a fan of hiding under the bed and batting at peoples feet as they walk by Annoying, but endearing. Just like Amelie.

Purfect Love


Hello! My name is Mikowl, founder of Mikowl’s Cat Emporium and avid cat lover. I’m here to tell you a little bit about my inspiration for opening up my store.


I started Mikowl’s Cat Emporium as a labor of love six months ago and my love of cats only continues to grow with each new customer. Although my business may be fairly new, cats have always been a huge part of my life.

One of the cats that inspired me to start my business was Amelie (Pictured below)

Gray kitty with sunlight above her head
Lovely Amelie

Amelie (or as her mom calls her, Mimi) is a beautiful long-haired, gray cat. She was found inside of a potted plant almost two years ago and eventually made her way to her forever home with her mom, Emily.

Grey cat with green eyes look downward
Amelie at Home

Some of Amelie’s favorite things are treats, scratches, and sleeping. She is also a big fan of hiding under the bed and batting at people’s feet as they walk by. Although Amelie can be handful at times, she is a very loving and wonderful cat. We love her playful personality and wouldn’t trade her for the world!

Working with customers and their cats has always been a dream of mine and now they have come true. I’m very excited to continue offering services for the cats and cat owner community, I hope you’ll stop by!